Film Year-Round

Most People Die on Sundays

Screening at AFI Silver Theater

Premiering in the ACID sidebar at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival, this dark comedy is equal parts hilarious and heart-tugging. Unlucky in love, awkward 30-something David reluctantly returns to Buenos Aires after the death of his uncle. Reconnecting with his neurotic Jewish family, he learns he can only run for so long before he’ll have to face his fears head-on and finally grow up.


Unlucky in love, awkward 30-something David (writer/director Iair Said) reluctantly returns to Buenos Aires after the death of his uncle. Reconnecting with his neurotic Jewish family, he discovers that his devoted mother (Rita Cortese, WILD TALES, HEROIC LOSERS) might be ready to take his long-comatose father off life support. Doing anything to avoid visiting him in the hospital, David busies himself with driving lessons and failed hook-up attempts with uninterested men. But he can only run for so long before he’ll have to face his fears head-on.

Premiering in the ACID sidebar at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival, Said’s dark comedy about finally growing up is equal parts hilarious and heart-tugging. Pablo Larraín regular Antonia Zegers and electropop band Miranda! singer turned actress Juliana Gattas co-star. DIR/SCR Iair Said; PROD Nicolás Avruj, Diego Lerman. Argentina/Italy/Spain, 2024, color, 73 min. In Spanish with English subtitles. NOT RATED.

  • Dir. Iair Said | 1 hr 73 min
  • Narrative | Argentina, Italy, Spain | 2024
  • Spanish with English subtitles