JxJ Donors
Thank you to all our donors for your generous support!
We are deeply grateful for your commitment and trust – we could not do this work without you.
Donors listed as of March 21, 2025.
For information on how to become a donor visit our donate page.
- DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities
- National Endowment for the Arts
- The Harris Ornstein Family
- Howard and Geraldine Polinger Family Foundation
PRODUCER ($10,000 – $24,999)
- Anonymous
- Michele and Allan Berman
- The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation
- Naomi and Nehemiah Cohen Foundation
- Sonnie Dockser
- The Dweck Family
- Ginny and Irwin Edlavitch
- Embassy of Israel
- Rhoda and Daniel Glickman
- Daniel Hirsch and Brenda Gruss
- JCC Association
- Jacob and Charlotte Lehrman Foundation
- Dan Mendelson and Jennifer Loew Mendelson
- Sid and Linda Moskowitz
- Nussdorf Family Foundation
- Deborah and Michael Salzberg
- Richard Solloway
DIRECTOR ($5,000 – $9,999)
- Janet Beth Abrams
- Monica and Gavin Abrams
- Deborah and Charles Both
- Cyna and Paul Cohen
- Rena Gordon
- Sara C. Cohen and Norm J. Rich
- Ilene and Steven Rosenthal
- Rae Grad and Manuel Schiffres
- Heidi Wachs
SCREENWRITER ($3,600 – $4,999)
- Dina Gold
- Sandra Hoexter
- Kimberly and Bruce Levin
- David Selden and Julie Wallick
- Tina and Albert Small, Jr.
COMPOSER ($1,800 – $3,599)
- Alison Baraf and Aryeh Portnoy
- Cheryl and Herbert Baraf
- Debbie and Paul Berger
- Paul Blank
- Seth R. Eaton and Karen Bonnie Eaton
- Debra Vodenos and Samuel Boxerman
- Anita Wolke and Ken Brooks
- Johanna Chanin and Randall Levitt
- Dave Connick
- Jessica Dodson and Jeremy Levine
- Scott Eric Dreyer and Ellen Clare Gillespie Dreyer
- Ilana Drimmer
- Bunny Dwin
- Tova Geller
- Morgan and Josh Genderson
- Audrey Goldstein and Doug Sanderson
- Robert and Jill Granader Family Foundation
- Maya Hyman
- Stacey Kluck
- Mariana Levinas Huberman
- Margery London
- Carol Mates and Mark Kahan
- Joan Nathan
- Diane and Arnold Polinger
- Joel and Nancy Poznansky
- Joan and Barry Rosenthal
- Rhea Schwartz
- Dolores Seigel
- Myrna Sislen
- Mimi Tygier and Robert Rubin
EDITOR ($1,000 – $1,799)
- Jacqueline and Edward Cohen
- Michael Edberg
- Leesa Fields and Jonathan Band
- Debra Goldberg and Seth Waxman
- Ronit Greenstein
- Martha Winter Gross and Robert Tracy
- Aviva Kempner
- Joy Lerner and Stephen Kelin
- Saul and Nancy Pilchen
- Mindy Strelitz and Andrew Cornblatt
- Susan Rubin Suleiman
- Diane Abelman Wattenberg
ANIMATOR ($500 – $999)
- Charlotte and Michael Baer
- Sanders H. Berk, MD and Sally Berk
- Lynn Goldin and Henry Birnkrant
- Lynn and Wolf Blitzer
- Ito Briones and Warren Coats
- Mark Cohen
- Nadine Cohodas
- Meg and Samuel Flax
- Lorraine Gallard and Richard H. Levy
- Elysa Graber-Lipperman
- Mira and Henry Kahn and Family
- Rob Kallman
- Iris Lipkowitz
- Dalya and Edward Luttwak
- Beth Mantz Steindecker
- Miriam Morsel Nathan and Harvey Nathan
- Jeffrey Colman
- Lawrence Schleifer
- Deborah Tannen and Michael Macovski
- Jeffery Yablon
Additional Support
EDCJCC Fund Support
- Milton and Helen Covensky Fund
- The Samuel and Marlene Halperin Fund
- Chaim Kempner Fund
- Howard and Geraldine Polinger Family
- Foundation Endowment
- Max and Esther Ticktin Fund
- The Arthur Tracy “The Street Singer” Fund
- Marjorie Watson Serendipity Fund
The Matthew Harris Ornstein JxJ Short Film Fund is made possible by generous support from the Harris Ornstein Family, Sonnie and William Dockser, Dan and Rhoda Glickman, and Dan Mendelson and Jennifer Loew Mendelson.
The Teen Film Festival is made possible through the generous support of Richard Solloway.
All of the work of the Edlavitch DCJCC is made possible with the support from generous families and individuals including but not limited to:
- Anonymous
- Diane and Norman Bernstein Foundation
- The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation
- Bruce A. Cohen
- DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities
- Susie and Michael Gelman, the Morningstar Foundation
- Daniel Hirsch and Brenda Gruss
- Jewish Federation of Greater Washington
- Arlene and Robert Kogod, The Robert and Arlene Kogod Family Foundation
- Samuel G. Rose