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Jewish Life & Learning

Hebrew Conversation Circles: Daytime

Adults (18+), Young Professionals (21-45), Older Adults (65+)

Date : Thursday, Mar 14

Time :
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Location : Edlavitch DCJCC
1529 Sixteenth Street, NW, Washington, DC

Join us for lightly facilitated, multi-level, Hebrew conversation practice! This casual group discussion is held once a week during the day.

Join us for casual, multi-level, Hebrew conversation practice! In these lightly facilitated discussions, we focus on a key part of language learning: making ourselves understood! These sessions focus on expression rather than precise grammar.

Please reach out to Rabbi Atara with any questions at acohen@edcjcc.org.

couple roasting marshmallows over small burners.

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